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Lower Canada College Campus Masterplan by LAAB architecture

Since 2020, LAAB is acting Masterplannner and Master Architect to re-envision LCC's Montreal campus. Established in 1909, the leading canadian academic institution was intent on updating its urban campus to better embody its core values and provide the ultimate learning platform for future cohorts of students.

As such, the design intent is to propel the learning experience with new indoor and outdoor spaces focused on design thinking, creativity and innovation, as well as championing overall wellbeing and physical health of staff and students through active design measures such as pedestrianization, "soft" mobility and the intensive use of stairs in all buildings.

Fueled by its motto "Non Nobis Solum/Not For Ourselves Alone", the new campus will strenghen LCC's long standing engagement within its community and will also lead through example with superior sustainability, resilience and reduced green gas emissions and carbon footprint.

LAAB's Project Incubator and Brandscaping services were leveraged to guide the institution and stakeholders towards a new unifying and compelling vision for the campus. Asset Repositioning and Design Innovation services were also utilized to refresh key buildings and create new pavilions which will better frame the existing campus green spaces and buildings. LAAB is overseing all aspects of the masterplan, from urban design, to architecture, interiors and landscapes, to ensure cohesion from inception to implementation.

To find out more about Lower Canada College:

More from LAAB architecture in the near future on this ambitious project.

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