Quartier des spectacles | Entertainment District°
location: Montreal, Canada
client: Quartier des spectacles Partnership, SHDM & City of Montreal
°Designed/directed by MLauzon Senior Partner NOMADE
The Challenge
Materialize into a masterplan the vision of the 21 founding partners of the then-nascent business district association in order to revitalize the 83-hectare Eastern downtown core, provide space for its exterior events such as the International Jazz Festival, increase attendance to the sector’s 23 live performance venues and consolidate the grass-roots cultural ecosystem of the neighborhood.
Selected Press Release
The Response
An exercise in collective decision-making and open-source design, this first masterplan is an example of additive thinking and interests management, managing to bring elegance and simplicity to a complex ecosystem, while coalescing the ideas of multiple stakeholders into a bold, colorful and inspiring vision masterplan that addresses real estate, economic development, design, investment, events, uses, lighting, branding, heritage, and signage - effectively launching this major Montreal project into the international cultural spotlight.
Claude Deschênes, Tous pour un Quartier des spectacles, Oct 19th 2018, Éditions Lapresse.
Luc Noppen & Lucie K. Morrissette, 29 novembre 2004