M9 Residential Complex°
location: Montreal, Canada
client: DevMcGill inc.
° Co-designed by MLauzon Senior Partner NOMADE

Photos by David Boyer photographe
The Challenge
Implant an ambitious high-density housing development at the edge of the gritty tech offices neighborhood of Cité du Multimedia, next to the former elevated Bonaventure Expressway. To ensure success, create a true destination to attract audacious next generation buyers, trend-setters and micro-condo lovers.
The Response
To achieve a critical and market success such as M9, a true destination-making toolkit had to be deployed: signature yet affordable architecture, luminous look and feel, varied typology mixes, sophisticated phasing scheme, strong brand conveyed through a bold color scheme and innovative interiors. In the end, the City even lowered the highway.
Prix Intérieurs | Ferdie 2009
Grand Prix, Concours Design Commerces 2008, catégorie intégration urbaine
Selected Press